Post-visit Resources


What might minilessons look like?

Writers' Workshop in a PBL Context

An excerpt from a session with a Year 2 team at YCIS Hong Kong

In this video, you’ll see…

  • An inquiry- and agency-rich minilesson

  • one way a minilesson could look inside a Year 2 (Grade 1) unit focused on nonfiction writing (while using a TCRWP resource)

  • additional moves for how minilessons can look when in a distance learning context

  • an example of what it can look like to use a published mentor text inside a minilesson.


Readers’ Workshop in the IB PYP

An excerpt from the on-demand, global course Stronger Together: Workshop and the PYP

In this video, you’ll see…

  • an inquiry- and agency- rich minilesson that explicitly weaves in a profile attribute and implicitly weaves in AtL

  • one way a minilesson could look inside a beginning-of-year Grade 3 reading unit (while using a TCRWP resource)

  • moves you can use to support clarity, brevity, and collaborative partnerships.

Resource: IB PYP and Workshop Lesson-Planning Guide


Readers’ Workshop with an AtL Lens

An excerpt from the global session Bringing AtL to Life

In this video, you’ll see…

  • an inquiry- and agency-rich minilesson that explicitly models an AtL in context

  • one way a minilesson could look inside a Grade 2 nonfiction reading unit (while using a TCRWP resource)

Resource: A Guide to Planning with an AtL Lens