What might minilessons look like?
Writers' Workshop in a PBL Context
An excerpt from a session with a Year 2 team at YCIS Hong Kong
In this video, you’ll see…
An inquiry- and agency-rich minilesson
one way a minilesson could look inside a Year 2 (Grade 1) unit focused on nonfiction writing (while using a TCRWP resource)
additional moves for how minilessons can look when in a distance learning context
an example of what it can look like to use a published mentor text inside a minilesson.
Readers’ Workshop in the IB PYP
An excerpt from the on-demand, global course Stronger Together: Workshop and the PYP
In this video, you’ll see…
an inquiry- and agency- rich minilesson that explicitly weaves in a profile attribute and implicitly weaves in AtL
one way a minilesson could look inside a beginning-of-year Grade 3 reading unit (while using a TCRWP resource)
moves you can use to support clarity, brevity, and collaborative partnerships.
Readers’ Workshop with an AtL Lens
An excerpt from the global session Bringing AtL to Life
In this video, you’ll see…
an inquiry- and agency-rich minilesson that explicitly models an AtL in context
one way a minilesson could look inside a Grade 2 nonfiction reading unit (while using a TCRWP resource)
Resource: A Guide to Planning with an AtL Lens