Inquiry Spotlight: Outgrowing Ourselves

This month, I had the pleasure of connecting with the extraordinary Kimberly Mitchell for an Inquiry Spotlight interview. Kimberly asked such rich, thought-provoking questions. I loved taking the time to reflect and dream. The big questions we explored:

  • How did you get into teaching?
  • Who was the K-12 teacher who made the greatest (positive) impact on your own life?
  • What is a professional inquiry you are currently pursuing? How are you pursuing it?
  • What is a personal inquiry you are currently pursuing? How are you pursuing it?
  • To improve teaching as a profession, what three things would you advocate for and why?
  • What's one thing we've got to see?

How would you reply to these questions? Respond in the comments, and let's grow ideas together!Also, be sure to check out the interview here!


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