DisruptED TV Magazine: Inquiry-Based Learning within the Workshop Model

In a follow-up to my recent post, this week I had an article published in DisruptED TV Magazine.  If you are not familiar with DisruptED TV, I encourage you to add it to your list of thought-provoking professional resources.  In addition to their magazine, they also host thirty-minute interview episodes that highlight an education expert's innovative approach or idea for engaged learning.My article published this week dives even deeper into the topic of how reading and writing workshops support inquiry-based learning.  I discuss how both methodologies hold fast to the values of cultivating an inquiry mindset, honoring agency, developing conceptual understandings, and harnessing lifelong learning skills.  We also take a look at the research supporting the use of both practices and reflect upon the importance of remembering our why.I hope you'll take a few minutes to check out the article.  I'd love to hear your comments and questions!


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