Start your journey.

Professional learning possibilities are waiting below.

Ready to begin?

Choose a path that feels right for you and your context.

  • Onsite

    There’s something extra magical about onsite visits. Harness the power of connection while also putting theory into practice with interactive classroom labsites, practical planning sessions, and more.

  • On-demand

    You know what pairs nicely with coffee and sweatpants? Diving into on-demand learning around topics you’re passionate about from the comfort of your own sofa.

  • Live

    It’s hard to beat the buzz of a vibrant Zoom room filled with kindred spirits. Discover opportunities to collaborate with other international educators from across the globe.

  • 1:1 Learning & Coaching

    You’ve read countless books and articles, listened to podcasts, attended workshops—and they were all great...but usually only 70% (at best!) applied to your unique context. Not to mention you’d return to your day-to-day schedule and any new takeaways you did want to try just floated away. It’s time to stop spinning your wheels. Let’s blaze a professional learning path together that is 100% aligned with your next-step wants and needs.

Learning Leaders:

Considering onsite and/or virtual learning for your school community?
Let’s set up a free video call to discuss possibilities together.

“As always, a brilliant session learning from @Mrs_Gilchrist about the myths surrounding inquiry-based learning. Invigorating conversations and provocations, moving from surface learning to deep learning to transfer learning. #just4you”

— Soukeina Tharoo

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